Tag Archives: uberx

The math behind UberPool: Why UberPool rides can actually be the best option for drivers

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For our latest post we welcome guest contributor John Sollars to share his perspective on UberPool. John also runs the blog RideshareDriver.com and we’ll be sure to include upcoming features by him on the SherpaShare Blog.

I’m a full-time driver and a veteran in the driving industry, and recently ran some of the numbers: It turns out that a driver’s compensation for UberPool rides is nearly identical as it is for UberX rides, and can often lead to higher earnings for the driver.  

On the surface it might appear that the driver has to work harder for exactly the same amount of money when accepting an UberPool vs. UberX ride. Drivers earn the same mileage rate, the same rate per minute and the same base fare (for the 1st passenger) as they do for an UberX ride.

The key difference though is that UberPool rides often last longer and can therefore be a more efficient use of your time. Here’s how it looks:   
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