Tag Archives: on-demand workforce

Maybe you’ve seen some of our reports and surveys? Here’s where they are all hiding…

SherpaShare Surveys and Data

We’ve released a lot of survey data and reports to help shed insight into trends – at both the national and local level – for the on-demand world.

We’ve looked at how much drivers make per trip (our most popular report by far), how much Uber drivers earn, what the major rideshare trends were in 2014, how rideshare drivers feel about being an independent contractor, and more. Now all of those reports are listed here, all in one place.
Continue reading Maybe you’ve seen some of our reports and surveys? Here’s where they are all hiding…

Report: The top demographic trends of the on-demand workforce

SherpaShare On-Demand Workforce Survey

SherpaShare, the largest independent on-demand worker support app, surveyed the on-demand workforce on demographics, income, and work trends, with nearly 1,000 verified responses.

SherpaShare helps tens of thousands of workers manage their independent work and regularly surveys the on-demand workforce. For example, in July we released what rideshare drivers earn per trip in 20 cities across the US. Also, a year ago, our blog looked at how women were represented among on-demand rideshare drivers. This report updates that as part of five major demographic trends covered, across not just gender, but age, work frequency, self-reported income, and services.

Continue reading Report: The top demographic trends of the on-demand workforce