Tag Archives: maps

More Uber and Lyft driver heatmaps from across the US

A week ago, we shared 8 maps from cross the US that showed just how busy it was on the road this holiday season – and that as an Uber or Lyft driver you’re not alone. The maps were a hit!  We decided to share more in our second installment in this visual journey:

Chicago has been one of the busiest rideshare cities outside of the coasts since Uber and Lyft launched there, and has had a few recent pro-rideshare developments: Continue reading More Uber and Lyft driver heatmaps from across the US

These 8 maps prove that you’re not alone on the road this holiday season


It’s the holidays! It’s a busy time of year for many, but it can be a particularly tough time of year for drivers. In part because you’ve got end of year financial goals, and also because, if you’re out driving, you may be missing your family and friends.

We’re starting to see drivers comment about “holiday blues” on the road. When you find yourself taking people to and from holiday parties, you might be thinking that you too would like some of that time with family and friends.

We wanted you to know: You’re not alone on the road! If you are driving over the next few weeks, don’t worry, there will be tens of thousands of other folks like you providing safe rides home for hundreds of thousands of people across the country. And we put together these maps to prove it to you.

Warning: This is a visual journey; don’t look for hard-hitting driver insights in this piece! Continue reading These 8 maps prove that you’re not alone on the road this holiday season