Category Archives: 1099

Nutrition on the Go: Nutritional Tips for Uber, Lyft, and Delivery Drivers

Funny Fridge Face

We all seem to need more money and money is likely one of the top reasons you began your gig. Freedom might be a close second. So you’re making money, and you technically set your schedule, but then there’s reality; another pick-up around the corner, a new incentive to reach, a schedule you want to adhere to for peak business hours, traffic jams, downtime and inconsiderate customers, just to name a few.

So how do you tackle it all and cope with frustrating days on the road? You overwork, skip your workouts, cut back on time spent with family and friends, and even skip meals. Keeping up with this exhausting lifestyle leaves little time for relaxation, enjoyment and personal wellness. Let’s change that!

Here at SherpaShare, we want to help you achieve your goals and enjoy life, so we’re dedicating a blog series to driver wellness. Over the next several weeks, we’ll provide tips on how to boost your physical, emotional and mental well-being while out on the road.

We hope you find a few helpful tips along the way!

Nutrition on the Go: Nutritional Tips for Uber, Lyft, and Delivery Drivers

Whether you run up and down Manhattan with Uber or manage deliveries with the newest app, every minute you aren’t maximizing your time is a minute you could be making more money or doing something you enjoy.

Don’t derail your day by letting yourself get hangry––maximize your money and keep yourself healthy by being proactive about nutrition when driving. Here are some action items you can take to reap the benefits of positive nutrition on the go.

Tip Number 1 – Eat smaller meals to stay consistently alert
Do you know the feeling you get after eating a huge fast food meal? Don’t let this discomfort and exhaustion hold you back from making money. Eat a smaller meal now, and you’ll stay consistently alert on your rides.

According to the National Institute of Health, “greater eating frequency (snacking) may promote positive energy balance in adults.” Your body is getting nutrition throughout the day, which keeps it operating evenly without ups and downs in energy levels.

Action Item: Pack snacks! A small insulated cooler, tucked in the trunk of your car, is perfect for your must-have snacks from home. Good ideas are cheese sticks, grapes or seasonal fresh fruits, and nuts. I love these soft and chewy Cranberry & Almond bars and a pack of three is only $3!

Tip Number 2 – Avoid a sugar crash
Making healthy food choices helps drivers remain alert by keeping blood sugar levels consistent throughout the day. Energy drinks and sodas lead to a big crash, which leads to long-term fatigue. When you do take in sugars, make sure they are natural sources like seasonal fresh fruits.

Action Item: Start ditching your soda habit by decreasing your intake or getting sources of caffeine without added sugar (coffee or tea works well). My favorite afternoon pick-me-up tea is Mighty Leaf’s White Orchard green tea. The aroma is delightful, and it doesn’t make me jittery.

Tip Number 3 – Get hydrated
Seventy-five percent of American adults are chronically dehydrated. Yet, something as simple as bringing a water bottle with you each day can help you consume more water. Water keeps temperature normal. It cushions joints. It protects your tissue. After just one glass of water, you can feel totally refreshed.

Action Item: Never leave home without your favorite water bottle. I use a Swell bottle because it keeps my water cold all day long. Add a slice of lemon or cucumber for added health benefits and delicious taste. Also, bring foods that are high in water to your diet.

Tip Number 4 – Plan for downtimes

Downtime between rides shouldn’t be the bane of your existence – let it serve as an opportunity to fuel your body. Use that time to have a quick snack, get hydrated, or step out of your car for a refreshing stretch.

After you’ve taken a moment to yourself, open your SherpaShare app and check out the Heatmap or Hotspots features to help guide you to your next ping. You’ll feel much better and ready to greet your next customer with a smile.

Action Item: Plan to eat and stretch when its slowest and use SherpaShare as your assistant to help you optimize your route and increase your earnings.

Now What?
Once you refresh your nutrition habits, then you can focus on what’s going on inside your vehicle. SherpaShare is the ultimate rideshare driver assistant for those looking to run their gig like a business and make the most of their time.

SherpaShare helps drivers increase efficiency with simple mileage and expense tracking and boost their earnings with exclusive rideshare driver Pro Tools. SherpaShare maximizes your revenue.

Please leave a comment below if there’s a topic you’d like us to cover or a tip you’d like to add to the list. If you enjoyed this post please help it spread by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter or Facebook.

Have a great week!


32 Ways to Maximize Your Tax Deductions

Tax Deductions 101 Image

Most drivers will end up taking the standard $53.5 per mile deduction for expenses related to operating their vehicle.  However, there are opportunities to deduct a whole host of expenses not directly related to operating your car.

Here are 32 of them:

  • Cell phone
  • Cell phone service—you can deduct the business portion of your cell phone bill.  Be sure to include any data overages that may be associated with your rideshare driving.
  • Cell phone mount
  • Cell phone charger (for yourself)
  • Chargers for passengers
  • Charging cables
  • Auxiliary cables for music
  • Dash-cam
  • Uber/Lyft signs (illuminated or standard)
  • Tissues for passengers
  • Water
  • Candy/snacks
  • Throw-up bags
  • Upholstery cleaner
  • Microfiber cloths /baby wipes, other cleaning supplies
  • Air freshener
  • Car vacuum 
  • Car detailing services
  • Tolls
  • Parking
  • Business-related apps like SherpaShare
  • Other paid apps such as Spotify/Apple Music
  • Inspections and background checks
  • Tip sign
  • Tip jar (for cash tips)
  • Floor mats
  • Seat covers
  • Sunshade
  • Business cards/referral cards
  • Roadside assistance/AAA
  • Business-related meals (50% deduction for a meal with a colleague, for example where work is discussed)
  • Car loan interest

Fire up your SherpaShare app to easily add your expenses and keep receipts safe in the cloud. SherpaShare helps drivers save thousands of dollars on taxes and hours of tax prep by automatically tracking mileage and expenses and giving you IRS-ready reports so you can prepare taxes with ease. 

Let us know if you’ve found other tax-deductible expenses that we should add to the list in the comments below.

– The SherpaShare Team