All posts by SherpaShare

SherpaShare's a driver resource built by drivers for drivers and is currently the #1 support platform for on-demand workers.

Report: The top demographic trends of the on-demand workforce

SherpaShare On-Demand Workforce Survey

SherpaShare, the largest independent on-demand worker support app, surveyed the on-demand workforce on demographics, income, and work trends, with nearly 1,000 verified responses.

SherpaShare helps tens of thousands of workers manage their independent work and regularly surveys the on-demand workforce. For example, in July we released what rideshare drivers earn per trip in 20 cities across the US. Also, a year ago, our blog looked at how women were represented among on-demand rideshare drivers. This report updates that as part of five major demographic trends covered, across not just gender, but age, work frequency, self-reported income, and services.

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How do I get started with the SherpaShare App? Check out these videos.

SherpaShare App Store Images

Our mission is to help independent workers work smarter and earn more, and we’ve started with independent drivers! So, if you’re wondering what exactly that looks like in the app, look no further. We’ve whipped up 5 short videos to help answer some of your questions!

Continue reading How do I get started with the SherpaShare App? Check out these videos.

The pros and cons of Uber’s new Driver App

Uber Partner App Announcement

Today, Uber announced an “all-new app for partners” to help support drivers. This is welcome news for Uber drivers across the country (and world as this is rolling out globally), but there all still some critical pieces of information missing for drivers. We’ll review them here in detail. And we’ll be updating this post with feedback from drivers as it comes in – so check back and feel free to pass along to others.

The New Uber Partner App – Why Now?

This app announcement follows some important forces that Uber has certainly recognized recently – drivers want more control and the competition for drivers is heating up.

Continue reading The pros and cons of Uber’s new Driver App

Is there an Uber driver strike happening?

Uber Driver Strike on Earnings, Tips, and Treatment

We’ve had lots of questions from drivers on the supposed “Uber Driver Strike” so we wanted share some of those questions and responses in case you’re having similar questions. And if you want to stay in the loop on the strike, use the Chat feature on our iOS or Android app.

Is SherpaShare involved?

Continue reading Is there an Uber driver strike happening?

What are the SherpaShare Driver Heatmaps showing me?

East Coast Driver Heatmaps

Today, we’re excited to share more detail on our Driver Heatmaps, which is now available on both SherpaShare Android and iOS apps. We get tons of questions on what the heatmap is actually showing and how you can use it – so please read on.

What is the SherpaShare Heatmap showing me?

The heatmap shows you the busiest driving areas, based on drivers using SherpaShare, whether for Uber, Lyft, or other services. The heatmap is NOT a map of Continue reading What are the SherpaShare Driver Heatmaps showing me?

Report: What Uber, Lyft drivers earn per trip

In July 2015, we looked at fares per trip for Uber and Lyft drivers across the US, and their trends. We focused on the national average and the averages across 20 selected cities. The results were quite interesting, picked in in national media, and is still our most visited report. Take a look at the trends and share your reactions.

Uber Lyft Earnings Fares per Trip 2015


As the ridesharing industry continues to expand at a rapid pace, industry-wide trends have been hard to come by. PR departments at Uber, Lyft and their contemporaries have very little incentive to openly publish data that might lead to speculation harmful to their chosen narratives — especially about how well their drivers are doing financially as ridesharing supply and demand evolve together. Continue reading Report: What Uber, Lyft drivers earn per trip

Four tips every new rideshare driver should know


Getting started as a driver can be intimidating, mainly because you’re venturing into the unknown. But it doesn’t have to be. Even though hundreds of thousands of drivers are now actively driving for rideshare companies in the US, they all had a “first day”. Whether you’re brand new or a year+ in, we hope these four basic tips will give you a good foundation.

Driver Tip #1: Plan Your Work Schedule

One of the biggest perks of ride-sharing is that you can create your own schedule. While this may sound like ultimate freedom, the truth is that you can significantly multiply your income just by driving the right days and times.

For example, during a slow time of day, you might be lucky to average Continue reading Four tips every new rideshare driver should know

An App That Helps Drivers Earn the Most from Their Trips

Yesterday, we were featured in the NYTimes, as “An App That Helps Drivers Earn the Most from Their Trips” and today we’re announce our iPhone app*. Here’s an excerpt from the NYTimes article, printed on A1 of the Sunday Business Section on May 10, 2015. *Update: Our Android app is also available.


An App That Helps Drivers Earn the Most From Their Trips

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